CPC Men's Retreat
This weekend I attended an incredible men's retreat at Mt. Hermon with these guys:Natalie and I have been attending CPC for only about 8 months now, so this was a great way to meet more of the men in the church and grow friendships with the guys in the 20s group. It was also a great way to get really sore for a few days by playing too much basketball. Our team consisted of Mark Buzzard, our ringer who drove to the hoop with ease, Justin Buzzard, who owned the boards, Mark Mitchell, our clutch shooter scoring every winning shot, and myself, able to stay out of the way enough for them to put on the clinic.
Guy Gray, our Oregonian speaker, taught us that Christian courage is not necessarily a 'great adventure' or 'dying for a cause', it is: answering God's call to join him in his redemptive mission to heal a broken world. Some quotes I noted:
"Courage is always doing something in response to a desperate need." (i.e. thrill seeking is not courage)
"The answer to self-doubt is not self-confidence, it is a greater awareness of Christ."
The outline... A courageous man:
1. Focuses on Jesus' mission
2. Lives out of faith and obedience in all areas of his life
3. Draws his power from prayer
4. Pursues Love
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love."