Baby's on the way!
Natalie's got a 13-week old little soccer player growing in her belly!!! Here's the first ultrasound at 6 weeks, the baby is .625cm tall and you can already see a heartbeat...I know you want to see another ultrasound so here's the 2nd after a couple more centimeters of growth... And Natalie's getting huge to accommodate...
We are excited to be parents and are praying for both Natalie and the kid's health in these early weeks of pregnancy.
No, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet.
I can't wait to see "Little Grant" come into this world! We are very excited for you guys. God Bless You guys!
Uncle Grant
Congratulations, so the first of 11 Bradley Bruisers family soccer team players is on the way. Great news!
Natalie and Dave - Our warmest congratulations!! We are very happy for you. We will pray along with you for the healtiest Mom and baby. Love, Pat and Owen Wickstrand
This is exciting news! Congratulations! We used to get annoyed at people who would say to get your sleep now. Now I am one of those people. ;)
So awesome!!!! We are soooooo excited for you!
Julie and Peter
My grandchild is absolutely adorable!! He/she is perfect in every way. I can't wait to meet him/her. Natalie, your pregnant tummy is flatter than my tummy!! I love you both and can hardly wait to find out if baby Bradley will be a "little Natalie" or "little David".
La bella notizia ci riempie di gioia.La nascita di un bambino è un'emozione unica,la vita cambierà ma porterà sicuramente allegria e molte soddisfazioni.
Un abbraccio dall'Italia da Giuseppe e Teresa
A presto.
I am dying to know the gender... Care to share the results of yesterday's appt?
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